Sunday, May 01, 2005

Boxing Days

Dear Blog,

Mom was right...again. The surgery was bloody heck. I was so scared when she stuck me in that cage. I got excited though when we went outside and I felt so much closer to the singing yummy birdies....ohhhh, those delectable little creatures! I can't wait to get my needle teefs on one of...ahem.
The doc did just what Mom said they would. I wish she could have stayed with me during the operation to make sure things went perrrrfectly.
I felt a little out of it the next few days, but still had my spunk.
I am now very much so back to the swing and mess of things. In fact, just yesterday, I took up my favorite habit of waking Mom up by knocking things off from her desk at noon. I know it makes her mad, but I just can't stop! I like it sooooo much :)



Anonymous said...

Yay glad to hear you are back to the old tricks SP!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear you are back on your paws again:) Love and miss you little Pea!